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Iliad: Week One Discussion (Books 1,2)


Book One Events and Observations:
-In the Greek, the first word of the poem is “rage”
-We are given a glimpse into what the future holds:
                -Bodies left unburied, eaten by animals (a very bad thing in Ancient Greece)
                -Zeus’ will will be done in the end
-We are introduced to the power struggle between Achilles and Agamemnon. Agamemnon has to      
  give up his prize (the woman Chryseis) to appease Apollo, so he takes Achilles’ prize (the woman    
-As a result of this, Achilles and his troops, the Myrmidons (Greek for ant-people), withdraw from battle
-Thetis (Achilles’ sea-goddess mother) appeals to Zeus so that the Greeks will lose without Achilles’   help, thus gaining him honor
-Noteworthy quotation: Achilles to Agamemnon:
“I have seen more action
hand to hand in those assaults than you have,
but when the time for sharing comes, the greater
share is always yours” (1.193-5), Fitzgerald trans.

Some questions to get you started:
-Why is honor so important to Achilles?
-How does a society decide who should have power?

And...go. You can suggest answers to these questions, propose questions and/or observations of your own, and respond to what other people have to say. Also,  feel free to share any good resources you know of, and any quotations you found interesting/noteworthy. Please just be respectful of each other and keep the language PG.